Gonçalo José Cunha Fontes

Affiliation: Polytechnic Institute of Beja / Department of Engineering

E-Mail: goncalo.fontes[at]ipbeja.pt

Keywords: Information Systems, Web Tecnologies, Systems Administration, Relational Databases

Fotografia do docente


Gonçalo Fontes has been professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) since 2009, teaching tecnical and undergraduate courses in the area of ​​computer science.

Beside the teaching activity, he is also the coordinator of the Innovation and Modernization Office of a Municipality.

Educational background

Master in Computer Engineering (branch of Information Systems) at Universidade de Évora, 2010.

Bachelor in Computer Engineering at Polytechnic Institute of Beja, 2007.


FONTES, Gonçalo; Abreu, Salvador (2010) "WAACT - Widget Augmentative and Alternative Communication Toolkit"; Proceedings of JIUE 2010 – Computer Conference at University of Évora, Évora, Portugal.

FONTES, Gonçalo; Abreu, Salvador (2010) "WAACT - Widget Augmentative and Alternative Communication Toolkit"; Proceedings of Inforum 2010 - II Computer Symposium, Minho University, Braga, Portugal; páginas 353 a 364.

ALEXANDRE, Luís; FONTES, Gonçalo; CAVACO, Nelson; GARCIA, Luís (2006) – "Desenho de um Sistema de Recolha de Estatísticas para o Boccia"; Actas da Interacção 2006 - 2ª Conferencia Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Maquina, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal; ISBN: 972-98464-7-2; páginas 209 a 212.